95 % had reduction in pain at the end of 4 sessions - A Report From The Congress Of Lower Back Pain in 1998.
"From the second session, we noticed an improvement of 60% of Sonotron treated patients with vertebral osteoarthritis, both on pain and ability to mobilize. At the end of 4 sessions, the pain was reduced in almost all of the patients (95%) and there was total remission of pain both during the day and night." said Dr. G. Leoncini, a specialist in the fields of orthopedics and neurology. He presented a paper entitled 'Sonotron's Efficacy In Integrated Treatment of Vertebral Osteoarthritis' to a gathering of approximately 250 orthopedic surgeons and physiotherapists at The Congress Of Lower Back Pain in Italy on 6th-7th February 1998.
Historical data showed that approximately 50% of people suffer chronically from vertebral pain. Therefore, vertebral pain is a problem for the doctor as well as an economic problem for the patient. Very often, the efficacy of current devices and treatments available are not satisfactory and usually offer only temporary relief. Also, vertebral pains are extremely variable, difficult to distinguish among spontaneous evolution, placebo and therapeutic effects.
The study was performed on 40 patients who received office treatments. Their ages ranged from 42-62 years; 26 females and 14 males; 23 with lumbar osteoarthritis, 27 with cervical osteoarthritis, and all patients were in sub-acute or chronic phase.
"The study confirmed the therapeutic efficacy of Sonotron in the treatment of lumbar-cervical osteoarthritis. The pain control is accomplished with a disappearing of the local objective symtomatology and a functional rehabilitation which is
a good index for the improvement of the joint mechanism. The pain control achieved on the second treatment session is a testimonial reference to the RAPID THERAPEUTIC EFFECTS of the Sonotron." said Dr. Leoncini.
Sonotron Therapy for the aged with back pain |
97.3 % Of Patients Reported A Reduction Of Pain In An American Study.
A study was conducted in Florida, U.S.A. to determine the effectiveness of Sonotron Therapy on various painful inflamed joints. Specific observations were made on the degree of pain and mobility that
could be achieved by the
Seventy three patients participated. Out of the number, 30 were males and 43 females, their age
ranging from 32 to 87
years; median age at 59.5. All patients suffered from some painful joint condition and had discontinued all narcotic analgesics at least 48 hours prior to the start of the study. They had no impairment nor disorder that will interfere or impair the evaluation process. The treatment sites were back, shoulder, knee, wrist, ankle, neck, elbow, finger, toe and heel.
The patients were asked to
evaluate their perception of pain and ability to use the inflamed joint using a
horizontal numerical scale ranging from 0 (none) to 10 (most severe). When the results were tabulated
after treatment, 97.3% of patients reported a REDUCTION OF PAIN and 76.7% of them reported an increase in their ability to use the problem joint or site.
Sonotron Therapy for the aged with leg pain
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