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Pain strikes all ages but older people suffer more, longer.

 95 % had reduction in pain at the end of 4 sessions - A Report From The Congress Of Lower Back Pain in 1998.

"From the second session, we noticed an improvement of 60% of Sonotron treated patients with vertebral osteoarthritis, both on pain and ability to mobilize. At the end of 4 sessions, the pain was reduced in almost all of the patients (95%) and there was total remission of pain both during the day and night." said Dr. G. Leoncini, a specialist in the fields of orthopedics and neurology. He presented a paper entitled 'Sonotron's Efficacy In Integrated Treatment of Vertebral Osteoarthritis' to a gathering of approximately 250 orthopedic surgeons and physiotherapists at The Congress Of Lower Back Pain in Italy on 6th-7th February 1998.

Historical data showed that approximately 50% of people suffer chronically from vertebral pain. Therefore, vertebral pain is a problem for the doctor as well as an economic problem for the patient. Very often, the efficacy of current devices and treatments available are not satisfactory and usually offer only temporary relief. Also, vertebral pains are extremely variable, difficult to distinguish among spontaneous evolution, placebo and therapeutic effects.  

The study was performed on 40 patients who received office treatments. Their ages ranged from 42-62 years; 26 females and 14 males; 23 with lumbar osteoarthritis, 27 with cervical osteoarthritis, and all patients were in sub-acute or chronic phase.

"The study confirmed the therapeutic efficacy of Sonotron in the treatment of lumbar-cervical osteoarthritis. The pain control is accomplished with a disappearing of the local objective symtomatology and a functional rehabilitation which is a good index for the improvement of the joint mechanism. The pain control achieved on the second treatment session is a testimonial reference to the RAPID THERAPEUTIC EFFECTS of the Sonotron." said Dr. Leoncini.  

Sonotron Therapy for the aged with back pain

97.3 % Of Patients Reported A Reduction Of Pain In An American Study.  

A study was conducted in Florida, U.S.A. to determine the effectiveness of Sonotron Therapy on various painful inflamed joints. Specific observations were made on the degree of pain and mobility that could be achieved by the treatment.

Seventy three patients participated. Out of the number, 30 were males and 43 females, their age ranging from 32 to 87 years; median age at 59.5. All patients suffered from some painful joint condition and had discontinued all narcotic analgesics at least 48 hours prior to the start of the study. They had no impairment nor disorder that will interfere or impair the evaluation process. The treatment sites were back, shoulder, knee, wrist, ankle, neck, elbow, finger, toe and heel.  

The patients were asked to evaluate their perception of pain and ability to use the inflamed joint using a horizontal numerical scale ranging from 0 (none) to 10 (most severe). When the results were tabulated after treatment, 97.3% of patients reported a REDUCTION OF PAIN and 76.7% of them reported an increase in their ability to use the problem joint or site.  

Sonotron Therapy for the aged with leg pain

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313 days after treatment, more than 70% were still significantly better - University of Nagoya.

Sonotron Therapy for the aged with knee osteoarthritis

Orthopedic surgeons Professor Dr. K. Mimatsu, Dr. K. Sato and Dr. T. Muramatsu, assisted by physiotherapist Mr. C. Wada from the University of Nagoya investigated into the long term effects of Sonotron Therapy on their patients.

A total of 488 patients were studied over a period of 22 months. Their cases ranged from problems of the neck, shoulder joints, elbow joints, the lumbar region and knee joints. The subjects consisted of 218 males and 270 females with the average in age of 57.5 years. Each received 9.6 treatment sessions on the average and 313 days had elapsed on average from the time they received their treatments to the time of the research. 

The Japanese researchers found that more than 70% of their patients who had discontinued treatment and no longer visited the hospital were SIGNIFICANTLY BETTER. The treatment sessions, which were relatively short in duration, had beneficial effects in terms of pain relief that lasted for a long period of time after the treatments.  

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Sonotron Therapy for the aged with other types of pain

" ... when you use them for a long time. That is the reason why I bought the Sonotron," said a Malaysian specialist who bought his Sonotron in 1995.

He added, "I've been treating patients suffering from joint pain with painkillers. And, they've been taking the painkillers for years. In fact, the patients started off with knee pain only, but ended up with gastric pain and finally renal failure.

" He continued, "In fact, I had one lady from an old folks home who had not only pain in the spine, but the hip and knee as well, and for years had been taking painkillers. When I sent her blood for a laboratory test, I found her renal function was down. She also had gastric pain. She was on all sorts of treatments. So, when she came to me, I cut off all her medication and just gave her Sonotron Therapy. Now, she is able to walk and had left the old folk's home to return to her home town."  

"As for CHRONIC problems, I've been getting lots of patients coming for Sonotron Therapy - cases like osteoarthritis in old age which we know there is no treatment. When I treated them with Sonotron Therapy, they had almost IMMEDIATE RELIEF. For some of these patients, the signs showed that they were cured of their problems but I was not really sure. They were PAIN FREE after the treatments and are still PAIN FREE now, after several years."

"Low back pain is quite commonly seen. I've encountered this kind of cases - some were acute but most of the time, they were CHRONIC. And, when I said CHRONIC, it is not mere months; it's sometimes years. Some of these patients had undergone surgery too."  

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It is a STATE-OF-THE-ART, high-tech mode of treatment that utilizes the energy produced by a MULTI-PATENTED and unique device called Sonotron to create its beneficial effects on patients, without the need for the apparatus to touch the skin during treatment and without the concurrent use of any drug. The beneficial energy that impinges on the skin above a problem area of a patient is produced by the action of very low pulsed-radio-frequency on an electrode situated within the housing of a hand-held applicator. 

Corona Discharge Beam delivers the energy that works on pain

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The postulation goes like this. Firstly, the beneficial energy from Sonotron penetrates the skin of a patient at the spot or area of difficulty. It then converts Superoxide Anion (a free radical) and its derivatives (Hydrogen Peroxide and Hydroxyl Radical) to Oxygen and Water at the cellular level. By doing so, Superoxide Anion and its derivatives are removed and so are their deleterious effects like pain, irritation, etc. The presence of extra Oxygen and Water simulates the cells to grow healthily, thereby promoting HEALING. As Sonotron is applied directly at the spot of difficulty and the beneficial inner chemistry changes that take place are immediate, the resultant effect is one that's RAPID.

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60-year-old Madam Jane walks in with a limp. She complains of SEVERE PAIN at her right chronic arthritic knee. 

She says: "Doctor, my knee still pains despite taking your new and expensive painkiller."  

You then advise: "Madam Jane, please do something you can't do that will momentarily precipitate your knee pain." 

Madam Jane bends her knee and at a certain angle, she cries, "Ouch! VERY PAINFUL!" while pointing to a spot at her right knee.

"Please sit down," you instruct.

You give 45 seconds of treatment with the Sonotron and instruct again, "Please do the same thing that you did just now."

Madam Jane bends her knee to the same angle of difficulty, like before. She smiles. "It's LESS painful," she replies.

You continue treatment until her pain drops significantly. Madam Jane pays your bill GLADLY and before leaving, she asks, "Can I bring my 2 neighbors tomorrow at the same time as me for Sonotron Therapy? They have my type of problem."  

You reply, "SURE!"

After she has left, you sit back in your chair and see yourself INCREASING your patient load effortlessly. You also see yourself IMPROVING in clinical expertise, professional image and financial status."


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