due to...
1. Nondiscogenic Low Back Pain ... and you would like to relieve pain and increase range and speed of motion.
2. Herniated Lumbar Disc ... and you would like to relieve pain and increase range and speed of motion.
3. 3. Heel Spurs (Plantar Fasciitis) - Heel pain - source of pain is actually an inflammation of the insertion of the plantar fascia into the calcaneus, known as plantar fasciitis ... and you would like to relieve pain and increase range and speed of motion.
4. Spondylolisthesis - slippage of one vertebral body upon another - chief complaint is low back pain ... and you would like to relieve pain and increase range and speed of motion.
Or, others?
And... |
You are one of the patients with
chronic back pain
and had tried all types of medical therapies
which didn't help much.
You are one of the patients who can't
withstand the side effects of drugs.
You are one of the patients who had been
diagnosed to have no evidence of damage
to your joint or muscle areas
but still suffer from pain despite taking drugs.
You are one of the patients who had been advised
to undergo surgery but would like to try
another non-surgical modality of treatment
before being operated upon.
You are one of the patients who still suffer
from pain problems after having
been operated upon.
And... |
You would like to have a non-surgical alternative
to modern medicine that is:

is what you need.. |

Click on the images below to enlarge them for details. |
Check out what En. Zulkepli Abu Samah,
Chief Physiotherapist of National Sports Institute of Malaysia, said about his experience treating national athletes with Sonotron as published by
The News Straits Times on 31st October 2007.
Click here >>
Check out what Yu Wei, The Sun newspaper's writer, wrote about Sonotron Therapy after experienced the therapy herself.
Click here >>
This scientific paper on Corona DischargeTherapy For The Pain Of Knee Osteoarthrosis was published by doctors from the University
Of Nagoya in Japan.
Click here >>
This scientific paper reveals how Sonotron can be used in pain management.
Click here >>