Panmedic News on Sonotron - Drug-Free, Rapid, Non-Invasive Evidenced Based Therapy Device for Chronic and Acute Clinical Problems of the Body
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Patients Responses to Sonotron Therapy

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Sonotron Videos of Patients Responses


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Sonotron Videos of Patients Responses

Is Sonotron Creating An Exciting New Trend In Patient Care For A Better Future?


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A medical specialist talks about his Sonotron experience of 3 years in 1998.

" I bought the machine in May 1995."

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"In fact, for general acute problems, I had used the Sonotron for sinusitis, running nose, sore throat, coughing which disturbed patients from sleep, toothache, and I find that it is no more of a thrill now. And something like migraine headache — well, this type of headache I consider it as acute. When a patient with this comes to me with pain, that’s the time I treat. But subsequently, I haven’t really done much in the sense that I didn’t ask them to come and repeat the treatment. So once they were relieved of their headaches, I asked them to go back to their GPs, and start having their normal treatments."

"As for chronic problems, I’ve been getting lots of patients coming in for these, cases like Osteoarthritis in old age which we know there is no treatment. When I gave them Sonotron Therapy, they find almost immediate relief which is also prolonged in action. For some of these patients, the signs show that they were cured of their problems but I am not really sure. They had been pain free after the treatments and are still pain free now, after several years."

"Low back pain is quite commonly seen. I’ve encountered these kinds of cases; some were acute but most of the time, they were chronic. And when I said chronic, it is not mere months, it’s sometimes years. And some of those patients had undergone surgery."

"And, in fact there were 2 or 3 cases which had undergone spinal surgery but still had pain after the operations. And with Sonotron Therapy - after 5 treatments - they were pain free."

"In fact, one lady a teacher, who had operations twice, and was going for a third time, came to me. I gave her 5 Sonotron Therapy sessions. After that she went back to work. Prior to that, she had been on non-paid leave for 6 months. I met her about 3 months later and found that she was still pain free, which is a kind of satisfaction many a doctor would be pleased to experience."

"Drugs tend to have lots of side effects when you use them for a long time. That’s the reason why I bought the machine. I’ve been treating patients suffering from joint pain with pain killers. And they’ve been taking the painkillers for years. The side effects were worse than their original problems. In fact, the patients started off with knee pain, but ended with gastric pain and finally renal failure."

"In fact, I had one lady from an old folks home, who had not only pain in the spine, hip, knee and for years had been taking pain killers. When I sent her blood for a laboratory test, I found her renal function was down. And she also had gastric pain. She was on all sorts of treatments. So when she came to me, I just cut down all the medications and gave her Sonotron Therapy. Now she’s back to her normal state. She’s able to walk and left the old folks home in Old Klang Road to return to Penang."

"Talking about these old people for 3 times I’ve been called to their houses to treat their relatives. They had been bed-ridden for months, some others for weeks. I gave them Sonotron Therapy. And to their surprise also, those patients were able to walk again."

"The last patient was from Kajang. She was about 84 or 85 years old. And, she was not able to stand and walk by herself. And, every time she wanted to go to the toilet she had to drag herself along the floor. Her·family thought she was going to die very soon. So I was called to treat her. I used the Sonotron. And surprisingly, during the last Hari Raya, the grandson called me to say he was surprised to see his grandmother walking and washing dishes. They thought she was about to go. Being able to do all those is a nice thing being a doctor. Actually, that’s why you become a doctor."

"One day I was called to a house in Kajang. The husband had been paralysed and was wheelchair bound for the previous 3 years. His wife had been taking care of him. Then, during the month prior to meeting me, the wife had knee problem and couldn’t stand. So, they called me to help. I went to the house. I gave about 5 sessions of Sonotron Therapy, once every other day. At the end of a week, the husband could stand up. After 3 years of being wheelchair bound, he could walk by holding the wall. And, the wife could also stand with a walker. That’s the nice thing, as we could help both rather than one."

"We were actually called to treat the wife, but we noticed that the husband was wheelchair bound. And, from my examination I knew that he could walk again because he was not paralysed or something like that. He had joint pain at both the knees and the hip. So, we treated both of them and both walked again."

"For the last one and a half years, I have been more interested in cases that could not be solved by standard medical treatments, in the sense that medically, we were not solving the problems."

"I remember presenting a seminar at the University of Malaya. I mentioned about my poor results in treating stroke patients with the Sonotron. That was based on my patients in 1996. But in 1997, I modified the technique, ie , my method of treatment on that category of patients. I had good results in the sense that out of 9 patients that I’ve treated during the whole of 1997, 7 walked again. Only 2 failed. For the 2, one was already 2 years with stroke, and the other was basically non-responsive."

"Stroke is a medical problem which is major. It usually involves half of the brain. And, we really do not know how much involvement. It may also involve the patients emotionally and mentally."

"So out of 7 patients, 3 of them were back to normal life, in the sense that there were no residual deformities or paralysis. In fact, one patient a teacher, is now able to drive all over town."

"I think Sonotron is helping them to recover faster. In all these cases, I could see movements within the 1st or 2nd treatment session. From a grade zero, they became grade one which was something that also astonished me at first. And by the fifth treatment, usually they would be able to stand up and walk with a cane. Though they were weak, they were walking."

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"I accept patients of more than 2 weeks but not less than l week because by definition, those who were less than l week could still be cases of TIA - Transient Ischaemic Attack. And, it is possible for these cases to recover spontaneously. But, I made sure they were stroke patients by examining their CAT Scans and I always reviewed the CAT Scan before I do a case. So from that I knew that the patients had been bed ridden because of stroke."

"I always told my stroke patients to give me one or 2 sessions. If there is a response, even a movement or anything like that, then we continue. If not, we would just stop the therapy because I don't want them to waste their money, nor to waste my time."

"But we cannot say that it will work on everybody."

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"On the average it's about 5, depending on the patients. And, some of them even continued up to 7 or 10 sessions. But once they could ambulate - usually I don't keep them. I would send them to any centre for rehabilitation because from then onward, those people should take over. For me, my job is to stimulate the nerves to activate the patients' limbs."

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"At the moment, I'm doing 2 or 3 cases of diabetic ulcer. The amount of granulation you see after a few sessions is encouraging. And the diabetics themselves feel it is beneficial in the sense that they don't have to lose their legs."

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"Well, I don't really have patients coming to me for treatment of their asthma. The asthmatic patients I have had were originally those who came to see me for chronic Osteoarthritis. While with me, I noticed they were panting, dyspneic and coughing, a sort of Chronic Obstructive Airways Disease."

"Usually, they were smokers or they worked in a dusty environment. I did a few cases just for the fun of doing it, and found that they were immediately relieved of their problems. They could breathe easier. Their cough also disappeared."

"And, I have treated other things like sensitive gum. One patient saw me for his temporomandibular joint pain. He couldn't even open his mouth. When I treated his joint problem, I also applied the Sonotron on his gum. The feeling of sensitivity at his gum disappeared. And at the same time his temporomandibular joint pain was also removed with just one treatment session."

"I am interested to use the Sonotron for treating more auto-immune diseases like glomerulonephritis and rheumatoid arthritis."

"One patient with renal failure came to me for blood transfusion. His Hb was 5. I told the father to let me have a try with the Sonotron and see what sort of response it would give. So I just applied the Sonotron on the kidney and spleen areas, plus some other areas of the body. He came back the following week. To my surprise, I noticed his sclera was red."

"As a doctor, you are trained to observe a patient's haemoglobin by looking at the sclera. Usually the sclera is pale. That's why they have to go for transfusions."

"And, when I asked the patient to repeat the haemoglobin content, it was 10. So it had gone up within one week. It is something that I could not explain by myself."

"I also asked the patient whether he was on other forms of medication. The patient said he wasn't. He just went for dialysis as usual. These results had been encouraging. Therefore, I am interested to do more cases of this nature."

"I had a patient with Parotitis, another auto-immune problem. Basically, she was allergic to 'Phensedyll'. So every time she took the cough mixture, both sides of the of the parotid would swell."

"When she was with me for the first time, she had been suffering from the swelling for one month. She had stiff neck which was tense and tender. Prior to seeing me, she was treated in one of the medical centres. They had investigated her problem for a month and had sent her blood even to Australia for analysis. However, they couldn't find anything."

"So she came to me. I just applied Sonotron Therapy on her. Immediately after that, all the tension and stiffness on her neck disappeared. A week later, she called me and said she's O.K."

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"So far, no."

"I always asked them who recommended you to see me. And there's always somebody who recommended my name. And they took the trouble to come from all over the place. I have patients coming all the way from Kuala Kangsar, Pahang, from Kota Bahru, from Pontian. In fact, patients came all the way from Singapore. So I mean, it spreads widely by word of mouth."

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"I would say that Sonotron Therapy, in addition to your standard medical treatment, would help a lot. In term of business, it offers you an advantage over other people, because patients go to you in pain, they go out from your clinic with no pain. That is something which I think not everybody is trying to do. With that, your reputation as a doctor also improves."

"Patients would have the impression that the clinic gives immediate relief. It helps in terms of general practice."

"I remember one patient who came in when I was doing night duty for my clinic. He had toothache. He couldn't even sleep at 3 o'clock in the morning. Another general practitioner had given him an injection of a painkiller. But still with no relief. I gave him a session of Sonotron Therapy. After about 10 minutes, he has was pain free. And he went back happy."

"But still I told him, 'you have got to take out the tooth."

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"I think it is just a matter of how you use the machine. If you can use the Sonotron as an adjuvant therapy to your standard treatment and even charging at a lower rate, I'm sure, within one month you can cover the cost. I charge quite low for my patients. But with that ad hoc sort of thing which I do very often, I can still cover my cost - my leasing charges at least."

"As I have said many times, I don't take Sonotron Therapy as my bread and butter. So, if you use it properly, systematically, I think you can make a profit out of it. And if you are willing to use Sonotron Therapy on heavy-weight cases like stroke and other chronic problems, I think you'll be earning even more. These sort of cases cannot be solved overnight. In fact, it will be profitable to you in the business sense."

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"Well, one thing about it is that, patients are seeing me as a person who's trying to solve long standing problems. That's why I'm getting lots of patients. The message passes rapidly around by word of mouth, so much so I am now finding it taxing on myself. I have managed to establish my name quite strongly in this field of Sonotron Therapy."

"People always comply that's the good part - they really comply because they cannot easily get this type of treatment."

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