Panmedic News on Sonotron - Drug-Free, Rapid, Non-Invasive Evidenced Based Therapy Device for Chronic and Acute Clinical Problems of the Body
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Sonotron Therapy


Patients Responses to Sonotron Therapy

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Sonotron Videos of Patients Responses


Real Results, Real Patients Logo

Sonotron Videos of Patients Responses


The Game-Changer in Pain Management


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Dr. Halimah: "I am seeing a lot of elderly ladies and men who have arthritis, joint pains, backache and different kinds of pain from all over the body.”

" My patients' problems seem to be recurring with drugs and they couldn't continue to pay for the medication, as they were expensive because they have to take them every day. But after using the Sonotron, they needed less painkillers and pain relief was much better. There were also less side effects. They didn't have gastritis. "

Dr. Karim: " It was just that the Sonotron could give something extra to my patients. After trying out the drugs, injections or creams and there is no relief, at least we have something else to offer the patients. "

Dr. Koo: " Low back pain, severe OA and chronic pain. These are the chronic cases that usually, I dare not leave them on NSAIDs for too long because I am afraid that they will damage their kidneys. "

Dr. Tan: "I am doing quite a number of pain relief cases involving arthritic patients and other degenerative joint problems. The most common problem that we had faced before was gastric problems caused by NSAIDs. "

"Normal advice for OA would be to reduce stress on the particular joint. Other than that, as for the medication, I was a bit hand-tied. So to me, any form of therapy that will bridge this gap will be very advantageous. "

"In fact, before I owned the Sonotron I had other therapy modalities such as infra-red lamp and an electromagnetic apparatus. They worked quite well but the pain would return and patients needed quite a number of sessions to relieve it. But, Sonotron definitely gives the patient very prompt relief. And my problem in one way or another is solved. "

" Any patient who comes for this therapy does not need any prescription of medicines or injections. In a way and in the long run, my drug bills will reduce. "

"It is a satisfaction for both parties, the patient and the doctor. The patient finds immediate relief and that is what we want to give them. I find my clinical practice is upgraded in that sense."

Dr. Aishah: " The problems are like chronic pain which is relieved temporarily or partially with analgesics. I find that patients are taking a lot of analgesics because of their pain. And chronic diabetic ulcers don’t heal with the usual antiseptic dressings. Now, I am able to solve these problems with the use of Sonotron. "

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THEY ARE HAPPY WITH THE RESULTS. Read on for their account:

Dr. Tan: " I feel that I have improved the quality of my service. "

Dr. Aishah: " I think, comparing between before having the Sonotron and after having the Sonotron, we have shortened the duration of illness of our patients now. Patients are happier. When they are happier, they keep coming back. In that sense, we tend to loose fewer patients. Of course, we get more patients because other people who have heard of the Sonotron want to try it out."

Dr. Hing: "At this present age, people would feel happier to be attended by a doctor who has something high tech like the Sonotron. When you tell them about something they haven’t heard of or seen and it is something new in the market, they are very happy."

" Yes. My practice has improved two-folds. In a way, it (Sonotron Therapy) is well accepted by the public and I should say that the success is bringing in more patients. There are a lot of cases that require surgery. If they can be solved without going for surgery, patients are much happier."

Dr. Koo: "My practice has been improved in terms of treatment for pain. Being a rural clinic, I see labourers who suffer a lot of pain. These cases have led to an improvement of my treatment image."

Dr. Halimah: "Yes, the image of my clinic has improved because I have referral cases from other doctors and people who have never been to my clinic. They have been hearing about it (Sonotron Therapy) from friends, relatives and neighbours. We are getting patients from all over the place. Sonotron is being perceived as a device that is new, revolutionary and very effective. It is exceptional because it is different from physiotherapy and what people are used to. It is also quick in results. People are happy with it. That is how it has managed to make us the center of attention and attraction."

 " After using the Sonotron, I’m not prescribing much of the painkillers. I have reduced my order for painkillers by quite a lot."

Dr. Karim: " My patients are happy. That’s why they don’t run away."

Dr. Ban: "I would say my image has improved after I had the Sonotron."

"I’ve been practising in Raub for so many years and the furthest patient that I have got was from the outlying districts like Bentong which is about 30 miles away."

" But since having the Sonotron, I have patients coming from as far as Camerons, patients from Kuala Kubu Baru, referrals from Mentakab and I had one patient who said, ‘I drove 400 km to see you’. I asked him, ‘Where is that?’ ‘Gemenceh. Somewhere in Negeri Sembilan’, he replied."

"I think there must be something good that these patients had heard about and were willing to come all the way to give it a try."

"I never had this with any other product of mine. This is something very intangible. I am surprised."

Dr. Fateh:"Since I bought the Sonotron device, the number of patients had increased and most of the patients were happy to come back to the clinic because they knew Sonotron would cure their ailments and they need not take any medication at all. As the days went by, many of those patients who had repeat injuries started to come back for treatments because they knew that the Sonotron device worked and they could get well immediately without any medication. Many of them came back for their second and third time just for Sonotron Therapy."

"Also, as the days went by, these patients became aware that Sonotron could be used not only for their injuries, such as sports injuries, but others. They read the pamphlets and discussed with other patients who were waiting for Sonotron Therapy in the waiting room. They found that Sonotron could be used to treat many other conditions. Subsequently, many of them recommended Sonotron Therapy to their friends, colleagues and family members who started coming for treatments."

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1. Patients, with chronic pain in their joints or muscle areas, who had tried all types of medical therapies that didn't help much.

2. Patients, with chronic pain in their joints or muscle areas, who had tried all types of medical therapies that didn’t help much.

3. Patients who can’t withstand the side effects of drugs.

4. Patients who had been diagnosed to have no evidence of damage in their joints or muscle areas but still suffer from pain despite being on medication.

5. Patients who had been advised to undergo surgery but would like to try another non-surgical treatment mode before being operated upon.

6. Patients who still suffer from pain after having been operated upon.

7. Patients with chronic asthma and who are not getting better with medication.

8. Patients whose diabetic ulcers don’t seem to respond to drugs and surgical intervention.

9. Patients who would like to hasten their rehabilitation after an attack of stroke.

10. Patients who have chronic skin problems that don’t seem to respond to treatment with internal and topical medication.

11. Patients with chronic gastritis.

12. Patients with chronic migraine that does not seem to respond to medication and other modes of treatment.

13. Patients with acute sports injuries.

14. Patients whose inflammatory condition does not seem to respond satisfactorily to conventional medical treatments.

15. Patients suffering from any other ailment that had been suspected to be caused by the presence of excess free radicals.

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"DON'T DELAY! A thing worth having is worth having now. The sooner you get it, the sooner it will start making more money for you. Putting it off is like paying more for it. Decide now, when it will cost you the least. The facts are clearer now than they will be again. THERE IS EVERY REASON WHY YOU SHOULD DECIDE NOW! "

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