Why Sonotron delivers excellent patient satisfaction?
The therapeutic effects of Sonotron are:
• Rapid
• Prolonged
The treatment is:
• Drug-free
• Painless
• Comfortable
• Non-invasive
Sonotron Therapy has:
• No adverse side effect
What doctors say?
• ” Yes, all of them are happy for several reasons. First is the relief of pain. Second is the fact that the treatment is not painful. If the patient goes to a ‘bonesetter’ or some ‘bomoh’, they will be subjected to massages, pushing, pulling or needling. In every case it’s painful. Most of them are very apprehensive. They are already in pain so they don’t like treatments that add more pain. When they are treated with Sonotron, the instrument doesn’t touch the patient. So the patient doesn’t feel any pain. In fact they feel a progressive reduction of pain. So they are very pleased, especially little children. They are quite happy about it because there’s no pain, no injection, nothing,” said Dr. CSK who owns a Sonotron since 1999.
• “Yes, most of my patients are very happy with Sonotron Therapy. In fact, they come and ask for Sonotron Therapy only. They don’t want any medicine. They find that, firstly, they don’t have to swallow any tablet, and secondly, the pain goes off. Their mobility, range of movement and speed go back to normal almost immediately after the therapy,” said Dr. FM who owns a Sonotron since 2000.
• “90% of my patients are happy because Sonotron Therapy provides immediate pain relief. It is cost effective. It shortens the duration of their sufferings and there is no medication needed. These criteria have made Sonotron Therapy their preferred choice of treatment. Those who opted for Sonotron Therapy feel that their problems are arrested. The progress of their joint damage is retarded and there is pain reduction. Even if the relief can only last for a few months, they are still willing to come back for the therapy. I have been having this type of patients for the past 5 to 6 years and they are doing well,” said Dr. TKT who has a Sonotron since 1999.