Click the video button to view videos of doctors' comments on Sonotron Therapy. |
Dr. Ganasan
General Medical Practitioner |
"In conclusion, what I think most patients would benefit from, is a shorter period of suffering; hospitalization, if at all needed, would be minimized tremendously; beds and money spent in keeping patients in hospitals would be minimized, patients would be more productive to themselves as well as to society and to whatever organizations they are attached to; they won’t be taking sick leave; they won’t be wasting vast resources of the Government hospitals by keeping them as in-patients; they can come and go as out-patients and the patients, very much, once you relieve pain of any disorder, immediately is happy. I think that is the most important thing that Sonotron has been able to deliver to most of my patients. And in that way, in terms of productivity and cost effectiveness from an overall picture, I think Sonotron is something that can be considered in the medical profession."
Dr. Chong
General Medical Practitioner |
"99% of my patients are happy with the Sonotron treatment.
Backache problems are the commonest. As far as sports injuries are concerned, I have observed tissue swelling reduced significantly after just one treatment session. In my practice, once they've used the Sonotron, the next time there's pain, automatically they want the Sonotron."
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Please wait while video loads... Sonotron Therapy: evidence-based treatment no drugs no side effects non-invasive rapid action excellent patient satisfaction.

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Check out what En. Zulkepli Abu Samah,
Chief Physiotherapist of National Sports Institute of Malaysia says about his experience in treating national athletes with Sonotron as published by
The News Straits Times on 31st October 2007.
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Check out what Yu Wei, The Sun newspaper's writer, wrote about Sonotron Therapy after experiencing the therapy herself.
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This scientific paper on Corona DischargeTherapy For The Pain Of Knee Osteoarthrosis was published by doctors from the University
Of Nagoya in Japan.
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This scientific paper reveals how Sonotron can be used in pain management.
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