Why SomnoGuard is effective? |
SomnoGuard is effective as shown by numerous clinical studies done in Germany and elsewhere. Appended are some of the papers:
- A mandibular advancement device for the ENT office to treat obstructive sleep apnea.
(Maurer OHNS 2007-136-231ff.pdf)
- Pilot Study of a Novel Mandibular Advancement Device for the Control of Snoring (PilotStudyMADActaOtolaryngol.pdf)
- Evaluation of the clinical use of the thermoflexible mandibular advancement device SomnoGuard.
(Scan SG Expert Report Engl 073102.pdf)
- Immediate Intraoral Adaptation of Mandibular Advancing Appliances of Thermoplastic Material for the Treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea.
(Schoenhofer Resp 67 2000.pdf)
- Prospective Evaluation of Somnoguard: A one-size-only Mandibular Advancement Device Out of Thermoplastic material.
- Subjective assessment of the effect of a one-piece mandibular advancement device out of thermoplastic material on snoring and daytime sleepiness.
( Vortrag OV helsinki.pdf)
Why SomnoGuard is safe? |
- The components of the device are made of hypoallergenic materials that are safe for use as an oral medical device.
- It is commonly very well tolerated.
- Side effects that had been reported were minor, temporary and resolved within three to four weeks.
- Similar observation has been reported in all clinical trials performed so far.
- SomnoGuard is CE marked for OTC distribution in Europe.
- SomnoGuard is US FDA approved for marketing and sale in the United States of America.
Why SomnoGuard is convenient to use? |
- Simple process of usage. Just insert SomnoGuard in the mouth before sleeping. That's all!
- The device works immediately to increase the opening of the air passageway behind the tongue.
- It is small, lightweight and occupy hardly any space in your luggage, making it convenient to carry on trips.
- It is easy to clean and store after each night's use.
Any other questions? Send to us now by clicking here! |

Click on the images below to enlarge them for details: |
Simple boil & bite one-part oral appliance. |
Highly cost effective. |
Lightweight. |
Easy fitting. |
Simple boil & bite two-part oral appliance. |
Fixed and stable retention. |
Allows lower jaw to
move laterally.
Durable. |
Mingguan Malaysia
27th January 2008 |
The New Straits Times
11th December 2007 |
The New Straits Times
25th September 2007 |
Check out what Mr Yap Beng Kiat, who was a heavy snorer, said about his experience with SomnoGuard as reported by The New Straits Times on 25 September 2007.
Click here to read more..