Use Of Sonotron As Local Anti-Inflammatory Therapy.
Check out this report on Sonotron given to the World Congress on Osteoarthritis by the Institute of Clinical Orthopedics of the University of Milan. |
Sonotron's Efficacy In Integrated Treatment On Vertebral Osteoarthritis.
Read this Sonotron News Flash on a summary Dr. Giuseppe Leoncini's paper entitled "SONOTRON'S EFFICACY IN INTEGRATED TREATMENT ON VERTEBRAL OSTEOARTHRITIS" presented at The Congress of Lower Back Pain in 1998. Dr. Leoncini is a specialist in the fields of Orthopedics and Neurology. He found that Sonotron Therapy combined with manipulation and KT acted significantly on spontaneous pain and pain due to mobilization of the treated patient group, after the second treatment, 60% had an improvement both on pain and mobilization. With 95% improvement in most patients treated after the end of the fourth treatment. The study confirms the therapeutic advantages in treatment of lumbar cervical osteoarthrits with Sonotron. |
Study Of The Efficacy And Safety Of Sonotron In The Treatment Of Pain In Human Subjects With Osteoarthritis Of The Knee.
Check out how the Instrumentation Systems Center of the University Of Wisconsin, USA, conducted a multicenter short term, single administration, double blind randomized placebo controlled study of the efficacy and safety of Sonotron in the treatment of pain in human subjects with osteoarthritis of the knee. They found Sonotron to show a high probability that the subjects' assessment of pain one week after administration was reduced in the treated relative to the untreated control subpopulation. These measures were knee joint pain on passive motion (p-0.001) and knee joint pain at rest (p=0.003). Data was analyzed by Chi-Squared analysis on eleven non-parametric measures to compare the relative responses of the randomly assigned control and treated subpopulations. None of the subjects in the study reported adverse reactions to administration of the Sonotron which the investigators deemed significant or long lasting. |
Japanese JIS T1001 Test Results Report For Sonotron.
Check out what the Machine Electronics Inspection and Verification Association of Japan did in 1992 to certify Sonotron as conforming to JIS T1001 (general safety rules for electronic devices for medical use) as well as the manufacturer's standards and gave the device its JMI Seal Of Approval. They conducted and recorded results for the following tests on Sonotron: Power Source Input Test, Voltage Resistance Test, Current Leakage Test, Resistance Test of Protective Ground Circuit, Wave Pattern Observation and Temperature Test.. |
Non-Invasive Treatment of Nerve Entrapment Syndromes with the Sonotron, A Pulsed Wave Radio Frequency Therapeutic Device - Summary of an American Study.
Check out a summary of the clinical study conducted in 1996 by the Orthopedic Sports Medicine Institute, New Jersey, USA, on Sonotron. They found the device to be effective as a non-invasive modality for the conservative management of nerve entrapment Carpal Tunnel and Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome. They also concluded that Sonotron is an excellent adjunctive modality that receives high patient compliance, is easy to use, painless and has long term effects. |
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Check out what En. Zulkepli Abu Samah,
Chief Physiotherapist of National Sports Institute of Malaysia says about his experience in treating national athletes with Sonotron as published by
The News Straits Times on 31st October 2007.
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Check out what Yu Wei, The Sun newspaper's writer, wrote about Sonotron Therapy after experiencing the therapy herself.
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This scientific paper on Corona DischargeTherapy For The Pain Of Knee Osteoarthrosis was published by doctors from the University
Of Nagoya in Japan.
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This scientific paper reveals how Sonotron can be used in pain management.
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